2016 Silver Award for Excellence in Residential Landscape Design and Construction - Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association
After their architect-designed home was completed, our client admitted to feeling rushed to get landscaping around the home. After the new landscaping was installed, our client discovered it was lacking many of the prairie-like perennials they had enjoyed at their previous home. There were also many variegated and gold foliage plants throughout, which did not fit well with the character of the home and site.
Although the landscape had been in just over a year, our client felt a change was needed and gave us a call. We redesigned the plant beds around the entire home, but our focus was on the front, which included the existing main patio. Immediately we focused on the unique angled placement of the dining area and pergola on the patio. This same angle was repeated as a bed line in key areas around the home, most importantly at the redesigned plant bed enclosing the patio. Bold, simple curves and arc tangent corners form the balance of the bed shapes.
Most of our design centered on the plants and creating a more appropriate palette with the bold colors our client preferred. The bed around the patio was expanded to include a mixture of shrubs, ornamental grasses, and perennials, giving the patio more privacy from the neighbors. A bonus for us occurred when our client asked us for input on a custom sculpture they had commissioned by a well-known artist. We assisted in choosing the location for the sculpture, and even helped pick the color it was to be painted. We were flattered to be involved with such an important detail, as well as being able to design a new landscape for such a unique property and home.